twenty-one I would not be permitted to associate with the organization.
Since that visit I have begun to question my own personality. I became anxious to see nude men. Last summer I met an older person than myself. I think about him all the time. I do not know if I really love him, or if I only desire him as a sexual partner.
I know that your organization has a policy of giving no help to minors. But what does one do? I only request that your organization consider the plight of young men under twenty-one.
Mr. S.
Los Angeles, California
Dear Mr. Slater:
A new mayor was elected here not long ago. The report is out that a "clean-up" is taking effect and that this town was to be cleaned out, if it had to be done one-by-one.
The grapevine reports that nearly every party of any size in town has been raided. The way this is being done, as I've been told, is that a young agent poses as a friend of the group. When he gets on good terms. with them and is invited to social gatherings, he reports.
Something needs to be done. This is my home town and I don't want to leave it. We don't attend big social gatherings, for the reasons mentioned.
Mr. K. Dallas, Texas
Having been a regular reader of the Magazine for some time may I suggest a problem you don't seem to have covered adequately. That is the question of the type of lawyer who will take advantage of a client who is caught under embarrassing or illegal circumstances and try to milk him for every penny he can get out of him, going so far as to misrepresent the status of the case to his own client, in order to frighten him into thinking he is in greater danger than he actually is.
Not every lawyer is dishonest but there are plenty of them who will take advantage of gay people in any way they can. They usually ask his financial status as well as that of all his relatives, before setting the fee.
These are problems which I have not seen covered to any great extent in your Magazine. Also, you seem to pussyfoot when it comes to condemnation of the vice-squads and their tactics. Are you, too, afraid? Tangents is your best department.
Mr. A.
New York, N. Y.
By Mail
They Walk In Shadow.
The Sixth Man.....
Christ & The Homosexual...... 3.95 Send 25c for illustrated brochure of unusual books, art photos and statuettes, (and other objects de art).
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